Saturday, January 28, 2012

How Does it Make You Feel?

When you create a photograph, what is it that urges you to click the shutter at that moment? When purchasing a photograph in your favorite gallery, what is it about that image that called out to you and stopped you in your tracks?

Many people simply don’t know. It is that indefinable something that whispers in your ear so softly that only your subconscious can hear. Is it the composition or colors? Perhaps you felt a special connection to the subject of the photo. Whatever reason you come up with, it can probably be drilled down to the very core of what makes a great photograph. How it makes you feel. And because we all look at art through a different cultural and experiential lens, a single image can elicit a different visceral response from everyone who views it.

Take this photo, “Shaker Dreams”, as an example. What feelings does it evoke in you when you look at it?

Does it make you feel nostalgic? Scared? Hopeful?

I’ve had a variety of responses to this photograph. Some people find it a bit scary. They don’t want to know what’s behind the door and the last thing they would want to do is climb those stairs to find out. Others are filled with hope and anticipation. They are bursting to know what is behind a door with such glorious light spilling through its window.

How does it make you feel?

--Janet Worne

1 comment:

  1. The 'light at the end of the tunnel' feels hopeful yet the austerity of the stairway makes me uncomfortable.
